List of common errors in some resources, which we will explain how to solve them.

Check if your error is here, if your error is not here you can open a ticket and comment it so we can help you.


The interface is looking bad? Too enlarged, or out of position? It's because you're using a resolution not supported by our scripts.

- 3440 x 1440

- 2560 x 1440

- 1920 x 1080

- 1280 x 720

These are the most commonly used resolutions and the ones available in our scripts.

Don't worry, more resolutions are gradually being added as suggested by customers in SUGGESTIONS on Discord.

There are scripts, such as Infinite Jobs that have almost all resolutions.

2. No such export fetch in resource oxmysql

If you get this error, it is because you have an outdated OXMYSQL.

Update it to the latest version and everything will be fixed.

3. Attempt to index a nil value (field "MySQL")

If in any of our scripts you have this strange error, you only have to do the following: You have to put in the fxmanifest this:


At the top of the server_scripts section.

Last updated