Read very well and follow all the steps below. If you find any error or have any doubt open a ticket.


The first step is to download the product we have just purchased. To do this we will go to our KEYMASTER account and search for "Buty-Airplane".


To install it add the resource to your scripts folder and put the following in your SERVER.CFG:

ensure Buty-Airplane

You will also need to install the SQL in your database before starting the script, in order to save the experience of each player.


The following will explain all the settings, one of the most important things that I recommend you spend a few minutes to understand in order to offer your users the best possible experience.

To make it easier for you to configure, this script comes with several configuration files, each one for one thing. You can see it explained below:

Here you will only have to configure your framework, your database and some extra settings.

In UseKeys, UseFuel, UseDeleteVehicle you activate it in case you have filled some of the integrations in functions.

Config = {}

Config.framework = "esx"   -- esx or qbcore

Config.ESX = 'es_extended'

Config.QB = 'qb-core'

Config.Mysql = "oxmysql" -- oxmysql, mysql-async or ghmattisql

Config.NeedWhitelist = false  -- Use "true" if you want only the players you add to be able to work.
Config.Identifier = 'license' -- license, steam, discord
Config.Players = {
    -- 'license:3132321ede12ed123213211e12332213hg21i3g1',
    -- 'license:3132321ede12ed123213211e12332213hg21i3g1',
    -- 'license:3132321ede12ed123213211e12332213hg21i3g1',
    -- 'license:3132321ede12ed123213211e12332213hg21i3g1',

Config.job = {
    needjob = false,
    jobname = 'pilot'

Config.BattlePass = {
    Active = false,
    xplegal = 1000,
    xpillegal = 1000

Config.Target = {UseTarget = false, TargetExport = 'qb-target', Coords = vector3(-941.4, -2954.64,13.96), Text = 'START JOB', Icon = 'fa fa-plane'}

Config.UseFuel = false

Config.UseKeys = false

Config.UseDeleteVehicle = false

Config.NPCHOME = {{x = -941.4, y = -2954.64, z = 13.96, h = 149.68}}

Config.NPCS = {
    ['home'] = {
        model = 'cs_floyd', --npc model (
        anim = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD' --npc animation (


Config.Transport = {
    ['legal'] = {
        createtruck = vector3(-1030.88, -3033.92, 13.96),
        gocoords = vector3(-971.08, -2998.16, 13.96),
        gocoordsnpc = vector3(-956.08, -2919.76, 13.96),
        vehicle = 'mammatus',
        requiredmoney = true,   -- requires money to be able to work.
        requiredmoneytype = 'cash',   -- cash, bank, black_money and item.
        requiredmoneyquantity = 2000,
        requiredmoneyquantityitem = 'crypto'  -- this is if you use " requiredmoneytype = 'item' ".

    ['ilegal'] = {
        createtruck = vector3(-1030.88, -3033.92, 13.96),
        gocoords = vector3(-971.08, -2998.16, 13.96),
        gocoordsnpc = vector3(-956.08, -2919.76, 13.96),
        Probabilityenemies = 10,
        Probabilitycallpolice = 10,
        enemiesvehicle = 'sanchez',
        enemiesweapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL',
        vehicle = 'mammatus',
        typemoney = 'crypto',  -- only use QB
        requiredmoney = true,   -- requires money to be able to work.
        requiredmoneytype = 'cash',
        requiredmoneyquantity = 2000,
        requiredmoneyquantityitem = 'crypto'


Config.RoboCargamento = {
    ['Peds'] = {
        [1]={x = 2174.52, y = 4793.88, z = 41.2,h = 34.72, ped},
        [2]={x = 2170.72, y = 4787.12, z = 41.2, h = 34.72, ped},
        [3]={x = 2171.4, y = 4782.16, z = 41.16, h = 34.72,  ped}, 

Config.locationstransportlegal = {
    [1] = {x = -1275.84, y = -3386.8, z = 13.96},
    [2] = {x = -1654.68, y = -3148.44, z = 14.0},
    [3] = {x = -1238.72, y = -2297.44, z = 13.96},
    [4] = {x = -1266.6, y = -2599.0, z = 14.96}

Config.locationstransportilegal = {
    [1] = {x = -1275.84, y = -3386.8, z = 13.96},
    [2] = {x = -1654.68, y = -3148.44, z = 14.0},
    [3] = {x = -1238.72, y = -2297.44, z = 13.96},
    [4] = {x = -1266.6, y = -2599.0, z = 14.96}

Config.LegalPackagePoints = {

    totalpackage = 6,      -- if you add more packages, add the number of packages there are in total to pick up

    {x = 1739.56, y = 3321.52, z = 40.24},
    {x = 1739.96, y = 3319.56, z = 40.24},
    {x = 1740.6, y = 3316.8, z = 40.24},
    {x = 1741.24, y = 3314.28, z = 40.24},
    {x = 1719.88, y = 3310.96, z = 40.24},
    {x = 1720.32, y = 3308.68, z = 40.24}


Config.IlegalWeaponsPoints = {

    totalweapon = 6,       -- if you add more weapons, add the total number of weapons to collect

    {x = 2146.12, y = 4779.48, z = 39.96},
    {x = 2144.52, y = 4778.84, z = 39.96},
    {x = 2144.92, y = 4777.28, z = 39.96},
    {x = 2145.6, y = 4775.56, z = 40.0},
    {x = 2128.68, y = 4769.36, z = 39.96},
    {x = 2127.92, y = 4770.8, z = 39.96}


Config.Level = {
    ['legal'] = {
        [1] = {
            money = 100,        -- money that it will give you if you are at level 1
            exp = 10,           -- exp that it will give you if you are at level 1
            exprequired = 1000  -- exp required to level up (legal and ilegal)
        [2] = {
            money = 200,
            exp = 20, 
            exprequired = 2000
        [3] = {
            money = 300,
            exp = 30, 
            exprequired = 3000
        [4] = {
            money = 400,
            exp = 40, 
            exprequired = 4000
        [5] = {
            money = 500,
            exp = 50, 
            exprequired = 5000
        [6] = {
            money = 600,
            exp = 60, 
            exprequired = 6000
        [7] = {
            money = 700,
            exp = 70, 
            exprequired = 7000
        [8] = {
            money = 800,
            exp = 80, 
            exprequired = 8000
        [9] = {
            money = 900,
            exp = 90, 
            exprequired = 9000
        [10] = {
            money = 1000,
            exp = 100, 
            exprequired = 100000 -- do not touch

    ['ilegal'] = {
        paywithitem = false,   -- will pay you with an item if it is set to "true".
        item = 'black_money',  -- item name.

        [1] = {
            money = 100,
            exp = 10, 
        [2] = {
            money = 2000,
            exp = 20, 
        [3] = {
            money = 3000,
            exp = 30, 
        [4] = {
            money = 4000,
            exp = 40, 
        [5] = {
            money = 5100,
            exp = 50, 
        [6] = {
            money = 6100,
            exp = 60, 
        [7] = {
            money = 7100,
            exp = 70, 
        [8] = {
            money = 8100,
            exp = 80, 
        [9] = {
            money = 9100,
            exp = 90, 
        [10] = {
            money = 1100,
            exp = 100, 


Config.Translations = {

    ['language'] = "EN", --You can choose which language the notifications will be in. (EN, ES, FR)

    ['EN'] = {
        [1] = "Press ~b~E~w~ to open",
        [3] = "~r~[E]~s~ - pick up the package",
        [4] = "This was the last box, load it and go to the new location to unload",
        [5] = "~g~[E]~s~ - Open doors.",
        [6] = "~g~[E]~s~ - Close Doors | ~g~[G]~s~ - Put Package",
        [7] = "Packets: ~g~",
        [8] = "/6 ~s~",
        [9] = "You already have a job to do.",
        [10] = "You've been caught and the police have been called.",
        [11] = "They are making illegal charges, we have marked on your gps the area where you were last seen.",
        [12] = "~r~[E]~s~ - pick up the weapons.",
        [13] = "These were the last weapons, load them and go to the new location to unload them",
        [14] = "Weapons: ~g~.",
        [15] = "/6 ~s~",
        [16] = "A worker is on his way with the plane, wait for him to arrive.",
        [17] = "Now you have to go and pick up the goods, we have marked it on the gps.",
        [18] = "The gun owners have found out and they are after you, kill them.",
        [19] = "For this you have to have a job as an airplane driver.",
        [20] = "~r~[E]~s~ - deliver cargo",
        [21] = "You don't have enough money.",
        [22] = "You do not have permission to work here.",

    ['ES'] = {
        [1] = "Pulsa ~b~E~w~ para abrir",
        [3] = "~r~[E]~s~ - recoger el paquete",
        [4] = "Esta era la Ãēltima caja, cÃĄrgala y ve a la nueva ubicaciÃŗn para descargarla",
        [5] = "~g~[E]~s~ - Abrir puertas",
        [6] = "~g~[E]~s~ - Cerrar Puertas | ~g~[G]~s~ - Poner paquete",
        [7] = "Paquetes: ~g~",
        [8] = "/6 ~s~",
        [9] = "Ya tienes un trabajo que hacer",
        [10] = "Te han pillado y han llamado a la policía",
        [11] = "EstÃĄn haciendo cargas ilegales, hemos marcado en su gps la zona donde fue visto por Ãēltima vez",
        [12] = "~r~[E]~s~ - recoger las armas",
        [13] = "Estas fueron las Ãēltimas armas, cÃĄrgalas y ve a la nueva ubicaciÃŗn para descargarlas",
        [14] = "Armas: ~g~",
        [15] = "/6 ~s~",
        [16] = "Un trabajador estÃĄ en camino con el avion, espere a que llegue.",
        [17] = "Ahora tienes que ir a recoger la mercancía, la hemos marcado en el gps.",
        [18] = "Los propietarios de armas se han enterado y van a por ti, mÃĄtalos.",
        [19] = "Para esto hay que tener un trabajo de conductor de aviÃŗn.",
        [20] = "~r~[E]~s~ - entregar carga",
        [21] = "No tienes suficiente dinero.",
        [22] = "No puedes trabajar aqui",

    ['FR'] = {        
        [1] = "Appuyez sur ~b~E~w~ pour ouvrir",
        [3] = "~r~[E]~s~ - ramasser le paquet",
        [4] = "C'Êtait la dernière boÎte, chargez-la et allez au nouvel emplacement pour la dÊcharger",
        [5] = "~g~[E]~s~ - Ouvrir les portes.",
        [6] = "~g~[E]~s~ - Close Doors | ~g~[G]~s~ - Put Package",
        [7] = "Paquets : ~g~",
        [8] = "/6 ~s~",
        [9] = "Vous avez dÊjà un travail à faire",
        [10] = "Vous avez ÊtÊ pris et la police a ÊtÊ appelÊe.",
        [11] = "Ils font des accusations illÊgales, nous avons marquÊ sur votre GPS la zone oÚ vous avez ÊtÊ vu pour la dernière fois",
        [12] = "~r~[E]~s~ - ramasse les armes.",
        [13] = "Ce sont les dernières armes, chargez-les et allez au nouvel emplacement pour les dÊcharger",
        [14] = "Armes : ~g~.",
        [15] = "/6 ~s~",
        [16] = "Un ouvrier est en route avec l'avion, attendez qu'il arrive",
        [17] = "Maintenant vous devez aller chercher les marchandises, nous l'avons marquÊ sur le gps",
        [18] = "Les propriÊtaires d'armes l'ont dÊcouvert et sont après vous, tuez-les.",
        [19] = "Pour cela, vous devez avoir un emploi de chauffeur de ligne.",
        [20] = "~r~[E]~s~ - livrer les marchandises",
        [21] = "Vous n'avez pas assez d'argent",
        [22] = "Vous ne pouvez pas travailler ici",


Last updated