Read very well and follow all the steps below. If you find any error or have any doubt open a ticket.
The first step is to download the product we have just purchased. To do this we will go to our KEYMASTER account and search for "BCall_SellToNPC".
You must insert in your database the SQL, in order to save the experience of each player.
The following will explain all the settings, one of the most important things that I recommend you spend a few minutes to understand in order to offer your users the best possible experience.
The following file is located at: Buty-SellDrugs\configs\config.lua
Configuration = {
[1] = {
framework = 'esx', -- framework "esx", "oldesx" or "qbcore"
ESXtrigger = 'es_extended',
QBtrigger = 'qb-core'
[2] = {
Mysql = 'oxmysql' -- oxmysql, mysql-async or ghmattisql
[3] = {
alertpolice = true,
MinPoliceToSell = 0,
WithCommand = false,
SellCommand = "selldrugs",
CancelSellCommand = 'cancelselldrugs'
[4] = {
UseTarget = false,
TargetExport = 'bt-target',
Text = 'SELL DRUGS',
Icon = 'fa fa-shopping-cart'
[5] = {
DrawText = true,
custompolicealert = false
[6] = {
BattlePass = false,
EXP = 10
Policejob = { -- Here all the police jobs you use, such as FBI, Sheriffs etc.
BlacklistPed = {
ByZone = {
SellByZone = false, -- You will activate the sale by zone, you can add as many zones as you want.
x = 192.8, y = -2274.44, z = 32.72, -- Coords
SizeZone = 50.0, -- Size
x = -1201.24, y = -1568.88, z = 4.6,
SizeZone = 50.0,
Street = {
{[1] = {name = "Bay City Avenue", moneyextra = 300}},
{[1] = {name = "Palomino Avenue", moneyextra = 400}},
Now I will show you how to add new drugs and explain each configuration.
The following file is located at: Buty-SellDrugs\configs\drugs.lua
Drugs = {
[1] = {
ItemLabel = "COCAINE", -- Item label
ItemName = "cocaine", -- Item name
ItemImg = "./img/cocaine_cut.png" }, -- Item Image (You must add the image to the Buty-SellDrugs\html\img folder.)
[2] = {
Pricerandom = false, -- Do you want the price to be random?
PriceRandomMin = 100, -- Random amount MIN on the number you add
PriceRandomMax = 400, -- Random amount MAX on the number you add
PriceDrug = 1001, -- Price per drug
exp = 5, -- Experience per drug
TypeAccount = "black_money", -- Type of account where payment is made
MaxSellDrug = 50 -- Maximum amount of drugs that can be sold to each npc.
[3] = {
SellForItem = false, -- Is your money an item?
SellForItemName = "money" -- Name Item
[4] = {
Steal = true, -- Do you want the npc to be able to steal from you?
StealProbability = 50, -- Probability of being robbed (The lower the number, the more likely you are to be robbed).
PoliceMin = 1, -- Minimal police for this drug to be shown in the UI
Probabilitycallpolice = 20, -- Probability of calling the police (The lower the number, the more likely they are to call).
TimeDecision = 5000, -- Time it will take the NPC to decide
BuyProbability = 40 -- Probability that the NPC will buy you (The lower the number, the more likely it is that he/she will not buy you).
[5] = {
IncreasePerLVL = 200, -- Increase money per LVL
IncreasePerPolice = 10, -- Increase money per LVL
IncreasePerLVLEXP = 10, -- Increase experience per LVL
IncreasePerPoliceEXP = 5 -- Increase experience per LVL
To create a new drug we will only have to copy one of the ones we have already created and paste it below in the following way: