Read very well and follow all the steps below. If you find any error or have any doubt open a ticket.
The first step is to download the product we have just purchased. To do this we will go to our KEYMASTER account and search for "Buty-Garbage".
To install it add the resource to your scripts folder and put the following in your SERVER.CFG:
ensure Buty-Progress -- Or the Progress Bar of your choice.
ensure Buty-Garbage
The only dependency is the Progress Bar. Either ours (Buty-Progress) or one of your choice that you will have to set the export in the progress.lua and you will have to ensure it before the script.
You will also need to install the SQL in your database before starting the script, in order to save the experience of each player.
The following will explain all the settings, one of the most important things that I recommend you spend a few minutes to understand in order to offer your users the best possible experience.
To make it easier for you to configure, this script comes with several configuration files, each one for one thing. You can see it explained below:
Here you will only have to configure your framework, your database and some extra settings.
In UseKeys, UseFuel, UseDeleteVehicle you activate it in case you have filled some of the integrations in functions.
Buty = {}
Table2 = {}
Configuration = {
framework = 'esx', -- framework "esx" or "qbcore"
QBtrigger = 'qb-core',
Mysql = 'oxmysql', -- oxmysql, mysql-async or ghmattisql
Payment_type = 'cash', -- cash or bank
UseKeys = false,
UseFuel = false,
UseDeleteVehicle = false,
NeedJob = false, JobName = "garbage",
GiveItem = false, Quantity = 1, NamesItems = {"bread", "water"}
Level = {
["cityalone"] = {
[1] = {money = 1000, exp = 100},
[2] = {money = 1500, exp = 100},
[3] = {money = 2000, exp = 100},
[4] = {money = 2500, exp = 100},
[5] = {money = 3000, exp = 100},
[6] = {money = 3500, exp = 100},
[7] = {money = 4500, exp = 100},
[8] = {money = 5000, exp = 100},
[9] = {money = 5500, exp = 100},
[10] = {money = 6000, exp = 100},
["recycledalone"] = {
[1] = {money = 1000, exp = 100},
[2] = {money = 1500, exp = 100},
[3] = {money = 2000, exp = 100},
[4] = {money = 2500, exp = 100},
[5] = {money = 3000, exp = 100},
[6] = {money = 3500, exp = 100},
[7] = {money = 4500, exp = 100},
[8] = {money = 5000, exp = 100},
[9] = {money = 5500, exp = 100},
[10] = {money = 6000, exp = 100},
["citynpc"] = {
[1] = {money = 100, exp = 100},
[2] = {money = 150, exp = 100},
[3] = {money = 200, exp = 100},
[4] = {money = 250, exp = 100},
[5] = {money = 300, exp = 100},
[6] = {money = 350, exp = 100},
[7] = {money = 450, exp = 100},
[8] = {money = 500, exp = 100},
[9] = {money = 550, exp = 100},
[10] = {money = 600, exp = 100},
["recyclednpc"] = {
[1] = {money = 100, exp = 100},
[2] = {money = 150, exp = 100},
[3] = {money = 200, exp = 100},
[4] = {money = 250, exp = 100},
[5] = {money = 300, exp = 100},
[6] = {money = 350, exp = 100},
[7] = {money = 450, exp = 100},
[8] = {money = 500, exp = 100},
[9] = {money = 550, exp = 100},
[10] = {money = 600, exp = 100},
Coords = {
startjob = {{x = -349.24, y = -1569.36, z = 25.24, h = 306.2}},
spawnvehicle = {x = -365.36, y = -1523.4, z = 27.44, h = 178.64},
vehicleGoTo = {x = -362.2, y = -1562.8, z = 24.84},
npcGoTo = {x = -346.08, y = -1560.88, z = 25.24},
Jobs = {
City = {
Recycled = {
Target = {
UseTarget = false,
Export = "qtarget",
["Home"] = {
Text = 'START JOB',
Icon = 'fa fa-briefcase',
Coords = vector3(-349.24,-1569.36,25.24)
["TAKE_SCRAP"] = {
Text = 'TAKE SCRAP',
Icon = 'fa fa-hand-paper-o'
["TAKE_TRASH"] = {
Text = 'TAKE TRASH',
Icon = 'fa fa-trash'
-- Client notifications
function SendClientNotification(type, text, time)
-- time = 10000
-- if type == 'success' then
-- exports["Venice-Notification"]:Notify(text, time, "check", options)
-- elseif type == 'error' then
-- exports["Venice-Notification"]:Notify(text, time, "error", options)
-- elseif type == 'info' then
-- exports["Venice-Notification"]:Notify(text, time, "info", options)
-- end
if Configuration.framework == 'esx' then
elseif Configuration.framework == 'qbcore' then
-- Server side notifications
function SendServerNotification(source, type, text, time)
-- time = 10000
-- if type == 'success' then
-- TriggerClientEvent('codem-notification', source, text, time, 'check', options)
-- elseif type == 'error' then
-- TriggerClientEvent('codem-notification', source, text, time, 'error', options)
-- elseif type == 'info' then
-- TriggerClientEvent('codem-notification', source, text, time, 'info', options)
-- end
if Configuration.framework == 'esx' then
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, text)
elseif Configuration.framework == 'qbcore' then
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', source, text)
Here are the important functions open. You will be able to set your Key System, Fuel System, Blips...
For example if you don't use LegacyFuel and you use BitFuel, then replace exports["LegacyFuel"]:SetFuel(fuelvehicle, 100)
with your BitFuel export.
if Configuration.UseKeys then
function keys(vehicle)
TriggerEvent("vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", vehicle)
end -- Do you use another Key script than this one or the Default? Change it here
if Configuration.UseFuel then
function fuel(vehicle)
exports["LegacyFuel"]:SetFuel(fuelvehicle, 100)
end -- Do you use any other Fuel script than this or Default? Change it here
if Configuration.UseDeleteVehicle then
function delete(vehicle)
end -- Do you use any other Vehicle Deletion script than this one or the Default? Change it here
function CreateWorkBlipnpc(number,AzarRoutenpc)
if not WorkBlipnpc then
WorkBlipnpc = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.City.Npc.Route[AzarRoutenpc][number][1].x, Routes.City.Npc.Route[AzarRoutenpc][number][1].y, Routes.City.Npc.Route[AzarRoutenpc][number][1].z)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Trash')
SetBlipSprite (WorkBlipnpc, 280)
SetBlipDisplay(WorkBlipnpc, 4)
SetBlipScale (WorkBlipnpc, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (WorkBlipnpc, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(WorkBlipnpc, true)
SetBlipRoute(WorkBlipnpc, true)
function CreateWorkBlipnpc2(number,AzarRoutenpc2)
if not WorkBlipnpc2 then
WorkBlipnpc2 = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.Recycled.Npc.Route[AzarRoutenpc2][number][1].x, Routes.Recycled.Npc.Route[AzarRoutenpc2][number][1].y, Routes.Recycled.Npc.Route[AzarRoutenpc2][number][1].z)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Scrap')
SetBlipSprite (WorkBlipnpc2, 280)
SetBlipDisplay(WorkBlipnpc2, 4)
SetBlipScale (WorkBlipnpc2, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (WorkBlipnpc2, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(WorkBlipnpc2, true)
SetBlipRoute(WorkBlipnpc2, true)
function CreateWorkBlip(AzarRoute,AzarRoute2, number, typeroute)
if not WorkBlip then
if typeroute == "recycledalone" then
WorkBlip = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.Recycled.Alone.Route[AzarRoute][number][1].x, Routes.Recycled.Alone.Route[AzarRoute][number][1].y, Routes.Recycled.Alone.Route[AzarRoute][number][1].z)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Scrap')
elseif typeroute == "cityalone" then
WorkBlip = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.City.Alone.Route[AzarRoute2][number][1].x,Routes.City.Alone.Route[AzarRoute2][number][1].y, Routes.City.Alone.Route[AzarRoute2][number][1].z)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Trash')
SetBlipSprite (WorkBlip, 280)
SetBlipDisplay(WorkBlip, 4)
SetBlipScale (WorkBlip, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (WorkBlip, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(WorkBlip, true)
SetBlipRoute(WorkBlip, true)
typeroute = nil
function BlipDrops()
BlipDrop = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.Recycled.Alone.dropscrap.x, Routes.Recycled.Alone.dropscrap.y, Routes.Recycled.Alone.dropscrap.z)
SetBlipSprite (BlipDrop, 527)
SetBlipDisplay(BlipDrop, 4)
SetBlipScale (BlipDrop, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (BlipDrop, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(BlipDrop, true)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Drop Scrap')
SetBlipRoute(BlipDrop, true)
function BlipUnload()
BlipUnloads = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.City.Npc.deliver.x, Routes.City.Npc.deliver.y, Routes.City.Npc.deliver.z)
SetBlipSprite (BlipUnloads, 527)
SetBlipDisplay(BlipUnloads, 4)
SetBlipScale (BlipUnloads, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (BlipUnloads, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(BlipUnloads, true)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Unload Trash')
SetBlipRoute(BlipUnloads, true)
function BlipUnload2()
BlipUnloads2 = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.City.Npc.deliver.x, Routes.City.Npc.deliver.y, Routes.City.Npc.deliver.z)
SetBlipSprite (BlipUnloads2, 527)
SetBlipDisplay(BlipUnloads2, 4)
SetBlipScale (BlipUnloads2, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (BlipUnloads2, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(BlipUnloads2, true)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Unload Scrap')
SetBlipRoute(BlipUnloads2, true)
function BlipDrops2()
BlipDrop2 = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.City.Alone.droptrash.x, Routes.City.Alone.droptrash.y, Routes.City.Alone.droptrash.z)
SetBlipSprite (BlipDrop2, 527)
SetBlipDisplay(BlipDrop2, 4)
SetBlipScale (BlipDrop2, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (BlipDrop2, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(BlipDrop2, true)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Drop Trash')
SetBlipRoute(BlipDrop2, true)
function BlipTables(numberss)
BlipTable = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.Recycled.Alone.putscrap[numberss].x, Routes.Recycled.Alone.putscrap[numberss].y, Routes.Recycled.Alone.putscrap[numberss].z)
SetBlipSprite (BlipTable, 728)
SetBlipDisplay(BlipTable, 4)
SetBlipScale (BlipTable, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (BlipTable, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(BlipTable, true)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Table')
SetBlipRoute(BlipTable, true)
function BlipBurns()
BlipBurn = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.City.Alone.NpcBurning.x, Routes.City.Alone.NpcBurning.y, Routes.City.Alone.NpcBurning.z)
SetBlipSprite (BlipBurn, 728)
SetBlipDisplay(BlipBurn, 4)
SetBlipScale (BlipBurn, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (BlipBurn, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(BlipBurn, true)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Burn Trash')
SetBlipRoute(BlipBurn, true)
function BlipReturn()
BlipReturns = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.City.Alone.returnvehicle.x, Routes.City.Alone.returnvehicle.y, Routes.City.Alone.returnvehicle.z)
SetBlipSprite (BlipReturns, 728)
SetBlipDisplay(BlipReturns, 4)
SetBlipScale (BlipReturns, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (BlipReturns, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(BlipReturns, true)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Return Vehicle')
SetBlipRoute(BlipReturns, true)
function BlipReturn2()
BlipReturns2 = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.City.Npc.returnvehicle.x, Routes.City.Npc.returnvehicle.y, Routes.City.Npc.returnvehicle.z)
SetBlipSprite (BlipReturns2, 728)
SetBlipDisplay(BlipReturns2, 4)
SetBlipScale (BlipReturns2, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (BlipReturns2, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(BlipReturns2, true)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Return Vehicle')
SetBlipRoute(BlipReturns2, true)
function BlipReturn3()
BlipReturn3s = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.Recycled.Alone.returnvehicle.x, Routes.Recycled.Alone.returnvehicle.y, Routes.Recycled.Alone.returnvehicle.z)
SetBlipSprite (BlipReturn3s, 728)
SetBlipDisplay(BlipReturn3s, 4)
SetBlipScale (BlipReturn3s, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (BlipReturn3s, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(BlipReturn3s, true)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Return Vehicle')
SetBlipRoute(BlipReturn3s, true)
function BlipReturn4()
BlipReturn4s = AddBlipForCoord(Routes.Recycled.Npc.returnvehicle.x, Routes.Recycled.Npc.returnvehicle.y, Routes.Recycled.Npc.returnvehicle.z)
SetBlipSprite (BlipReturn4s, 728)
SetBlipDisplay(BlipReturn4s, 4)
SetBlipScale (BlipReturn4s, 1.0)
SetBlipColour (BlipReturn4s, 0)
SetBlipAsShortRange(BlipReturn4s, true)
AddTextComponentString('~b~[GARBAGE]~h~ Return Vehicle')
SetBlipRoute(BlipReturn4s, true)
Here you can edit the progress bar information if you are using Buty-Progress or change the EXPORT to your own progress bar.
progress = function()
time = 10000,
color = "linear-gradient(20.5deg, #AC41DE 9.83%, rgba(172, 65, 222, 0) 93.95%)",
color2 = "#AC41DE",
progress2 = function()
time = 10000,
color = "linear-gradient(20.5deg, #AC41DE 9.83%, rgba(172, 65, 222, 0) 93.95%)",
color2 = "#AC41DE",
progress3 = function()
time = 10000,
color = "linear-gradient(20.5deg, #AC41DE 9.83%, rgba(172, 65, 222, 0) 93.95%)",
color2 = "#AC41DE",
progress4 = function()
time = 10000,
color = "linear-gradient(20.5deg, #AC41DE 9.83%, rgba(172, 65, 222, 0) 93.95%)",
color2 = "#AC41DE",
progress5 = function()
time = 9000,
color = "linear-gradient(20.5deg, #AC41DE 9.83%, rgba(172, 65, 222, 0) 93.95%)",
color2 = "#AC41DE",
progress6 = function()
time = 11300,
color = "linear-gradient(20.5deg, #AC41DE 9.83%, rgba(172, 65, 222, 0) 93.95%)",
color2 = "#AC41DE",
progress7 = function()
time = 6000,
color = "linear-gradient(20.5deg, #AC41DE 9.83%, rgba(172, 65, 222, 0) 93.95%)",
color2 = "#AC41DE",
progress8 = function()
time = 15000,
color = "linear-gradient(20.5deg, #AC41DE 9.83%, rgba(172, 65, 222, 0) 93.95%)",
color2 = "#AC41DE",
progress9 = function()
time = 15000,
color = "linear-gradient(20.5deg, #AC41DE 9.83%, rgba(172, 65, 222, 0) 93.95%)",
color2 = "#AC41DE",
This is a very important configuration document, since the different ROUTES that the script will follow are configured here.
This document is divided into the different options of our script:
City Garbage and inside the routes for ALONE and WITH NPC.
Recycled Garbage and inside the routes for ALONE and WITH NPC.
You can add as many routes as you want by copying and pasting the last route and changing the route number to the next one. Be careful not to forget a comma or inadvertently delete something.
The ROUTES are RANDOM, meaning that each time a player uses the script, one of the routes will be chosen randomlRoutes = {
City = {
Alone = {
droptrash = {x = -607.04, y = -1792.16, z = 23.32},
NpcBurning = {x = -511.96, y = -1747.52, z =19.24},
returnvehicle = {x = -340.12, y = -1560.56, z = 24.96},
Route = {
[1] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = -243.12, y = -1344.08, z = 30.28, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = -197.27, y = -1345.28, z = 30.07, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = -248.12, y = -1127.72, z = 22.04, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = -85.92, y = -1331.52, z = 28.28, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = -33.84, y = -1351.12, z = 28.32, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = -18.92, y = -1392.36, z = 28.36, go = false}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = 95.76, y = -1524.2, z = 28.36, go = false}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = 140.08, y = -1580.4, z = 28.32, go = false}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = 286.28, y = -1811.8, z = 26.16, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = -311.36, y = -1536.28, z = 26.84, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = -325.24, y = -1550.63, z = 26.72, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = -588.44, y = -1738.76, z = 21.68, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = -634.32, y = -1225.84, z = 11.04, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = -716.8, y = -1169.0, z = 9.6, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = -923.04, y = -1160.64, z = 3.76, go = false}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = -913.19, y = -1175.02, z = 3.94, go = false}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = -1020.36, y = -1118.2, z = 1.16, go = false}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = -1128.88, y = -1063.76, z = 1.16, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = -1323.64, y = -1084.84, z = 5.96, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = -1328.34, y = -1143.29, z = 3.33, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = -1451.96, y = -676.8, z = 25.48, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = -1432.28, y = -663.12, z = 25.8, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = -1388.48, y = -650.16, z = 27.68, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = -1367.88, y = -667.52, z = 25.68, go = false}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = -1235.28, y = -690.88, z = 22.84, go = false}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = -1179.52, y = -944.64, z = 2.24, go = false}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = -978.08, y = -1582.96, z = 4.16, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = 18.48, y = -1119.84, z = 27.92, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = 150.52, y = -1064.16, z = 28.2, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = 172.36, y = -1075.52, z = 28.2, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = 154.28, y = -1043.88, z = 28.32, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = 257.0, y = -987.8, z = 28.28, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = 453.2, y = -932.32, z = 27.48, go = false}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = 1059.48, y = -787.04, z = 57.28, go = false}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = 1097.94, y = -784.54, z = 57.26, go = false}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = 1244.36, y = -347.88, z = 68.08, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = 1263.52, y = -718.12, z = 63.36, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = 1261.68, y = -612.04, z = 67.96, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = 1256.12, y = -597.64, z = 68.0, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = 1250.62, y = -565.88, z = 68.11, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = 1252.91, y = -489.11, z = 68.48, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = 1265.7, y = -420.19, z = 68.09, go = false}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = 1265.44, y = -420.01, z = 68.09, go = false}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = 1180.6, y = -304.36, z = 68.08, go = false}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = 1174.08, y = -299.12, z = 68.04, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = -543.36, y = -42.16, z = 41.88, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = -532.8, y = -45.04, z = 41.4, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = -379.44, y = 25.0, z = 46.36, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = -194.88, y = 219.4, z = 87.4, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = -259.48, y = 293.36, z = 90.56, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = -546.64, y = 287.16, z = 82.04, go = false}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = -597.44, y = 860.08, z = 208.92, go = false}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = -1231.16, y = 655.4, z = 141.76, go = false}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = -1949.96, y = 590.2, z = 118.04, go = false}
Npc = {
deliver = {x = -611.24, y = -1594.44, z = 26.48},
deliverNPC = {x = -603.68, y = -1592.12, z = 26.76},
returnvehicle = {x = -340.12, y = -1560.56, z = 24.96},
Route = {
[1] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = -232.96, y = -1346.96, z = 30.8, go = false},
[2] = {x = -243.88, y = -1344.12, z = 31.24},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = -166.24, y = -1408.8, z = 30.04, go = false},
[2] = {x = -169.8, y = -1414.4, z = 30.04},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = -74.8, y = -1380.2, z = 28.6, go = false},
[2] = {x = -80.84, y = -1383.64, z = 28.28},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = -16.64, y = -1396.64, z = 28.64, go = false},
[2] = {x = -18.28, y = -1386.4, z = 28.32},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = 21.36, y = -1413.76, z = 28.64, go = false},
[2] = {x = 11.68, y = -1410.56, z = 28.32},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = 64.04, y = -1382.76, z = 28.56, go = false},
[2] = {x = 66.64, y = -1397.92, z = 28.36},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = 94.28, y = -1445.0, z = 28.44, go = false},
[2] = {x = 97.36, y = -1436.56, z = 28.28},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = -11.48, y = -1571.48, z = 28.44, go = false},
[2] = {x = -9.08, y = -1562.4, z = 28.32},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = 85.44, y = -1931.36, z = 19.96, go = false},
[2] = {x = 74.44, y = -1929.32, z = 19.92},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[10] = {
[1] = {x = 136.2, y = -1882.64, z = 22.8, go = false},
[2] = {x = 128.68, y = -1886.6, z = 22.52},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[2] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = 299.56, y = -1292.4, z = 29.68, go = false},
[2] = {x = 307.4, y = -1290.52, z = 29.76},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = 295.64, y = -1245.12, z = 28.56, go = false},
[2] = {x = 293.48, y = -1234.08, z = 28.44},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = 257.48, y = -979.4, z = 28.52, go = false},
[2] = {x = 255.76, y = -988.04, z = 28.28},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = 347.2, y = -958.4, z = 28.6, go = false},
[2] = {x = 336.6, y = -959.84, z = 28.44},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = 21.36, y = -1413.76, z = 28.64, go = false},
[2] = {x = 11.68, y = -1410.56, z = 28.32},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = 476.52, y = -949.6, z = 26.64, go = false},
[2] = {x = 464.56, y = -947.36, z = 26.96},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = 411.0, y = -787.24, z = 28.44, go = false},
[2] = {x = 413.6, y = -798.32, z = 28.32},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = 398.0, y = -727.64, z = 28.56, go = false},
[2] = {x = 392.32, y = -741.16, z = 28.28},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = 432.04, y = -682.12, z = 28.32, go = false},
[2] = {x = 425.4, y = -685.6, z = 28.28},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
[10] = {
[1] = {x = 500.44, y = -733.96, z = 24.04, go = false},
[2] = {x = 498.32, y = -725.8, z = 23.88},
[3] = {time=3000, time2=3000}
Recycled = {
travel = 1,
Alone = {
dropscrap = {x = 2348.72, y = 3133.96, z = 48.2},
takescrap = {x = 2351.8, y = 3133.88, z = 48.44},
returnvehicle = {x = -340.12, y = -1560.56, z = 24.96},
putscrap = {
[1] = {x = 2343.0, y = 3141.52, z = 47.2},
[2] = {x = 2353.48, y = 3118.44, z = 47.2},
Route = {
[1] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = 195.24, y = -1813.72, z = 27.56, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = 154.16, y = -1815.64, z = 27.08, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = 2.28, y = -1824.4, z = 24.36, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = -27.96, y = -1849.0, z = 24.8, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = -0.8, y = -1677.4, z = 28.28, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = -80.52, y = -1426.16, z = 28.68, go = false}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = -90.52, y = -1433.52, z = 29.96, go = false}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = -98.72, y = -1413.52, z = 28.52, go = false}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = 487.96, y = -1283.32, z = 28.44, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = 952.15, y = -1734.25, z = 30.08, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = 952.56, y = -1714.56, z = 29.52, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = 967.28, y = -1736.48, z = 29.96, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = 893.6, y = -1732.4, z = 29.32, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = 748.64, y = -1693.64, z = 28.32, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = 561.56, y = -1773.44, z = 28.36, go = false}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = 176.48, y = -1537.04, z = 28.16, go = false}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = 176.53, y = -1520.42, z = 28.14, go = false}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = 87.0, y = -1437.08, z = 28.32, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = 1053.1, y = -2365.71, z = 29.59, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = 1062.96, y = -2410.44, z = 29.0, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = 1062.12, y = -2386.24, z = 29.48, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = 1079.76, y = -2388.48, z = 29.52, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = 971.2, y = -2367.04, z = 29.52, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = 781.6, y = -2379.04, z = 21.52, go = false}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = -43.68, y = -2637.2, z = 5.04, go = false}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = -134.92, y = -2631.24, z = 5.12, go = false}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = -320.4, y = -2725.84, z = 5.0, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = 2003.44, y = 3793.96, z = 31.2, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = 1994.81, y = 3794.08, z = 31.18, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = 1756.48, y = 3680.04, z = 33.32, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = 1785.04, y = 3652.8, z = 33.28, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = 1575.4, y = 3675.8, z = 33.68, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = 1481.4, y = 3685.12, z = 33.16, go = false}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = 1423.72, y = 3685.4, z = 32.88, go = false}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = 1386.04, y = 3601.56, z = 33.88, go = false}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = 1368.76, y = 3612.76, z = 34.0, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = 2159.8, y = 4763.56, z = 39.52, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = 1951.72, y = 4632.52, z = 39.6, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = 1936.52, y = 4645.84, z = 39.56, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = 1923.12, y = 4636.48, z = 39.16, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = 1706.8, y = 4672.48, z = 42.2, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = 1727.4, y = 4713.36, z = 41.04, go = false}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = 1729.76, y = 4757.72, z = 40.92, go = false}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = 1732.2, y = 4794.08, z = 40.84, go = false}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = 1712.8, y = 4810.28, z = 40.92, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = 402.6, y = 6589.36, z = 26.64, go = false}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = -54.0, y = 6574.28, z = 30.28, go = false}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = -70.96, y = 6440.52, z = 30.48, go = false}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = -45.32, y = 6446.88, z = 30.48, go = false}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = -35.2, y = 6433.72, z = 30.44, go = false}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = 11.48, y = 6491.12, z = 30.4, go = false}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = -182.92, y = 6319.92, z = 30.36, go = false}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = -206.52, y = 6297.04, z = 30.48, go = false}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = -385.52, y = 6041.6, z = 30.52, go = false}
Npc = {
deliver = {x = -611.24, y = -1594.44, z = 26.48},
deliverNPC = {x = -603.68, y = -1592.12, z = 26.76},
returnvehicle = {x = -340.12, y = -1560.56, z = 24.96},
Route = {
[1] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = 476.04, y = -863.28, z = 25.52, go = false},
[2] = {x = 466.4, y = -868.52, z = 25.84},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = 466.84, y = -1066.08, z = 28.48, go = false},
[2] = {x = 478.4, y = -1063.08, z = 28.2},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = 428.4, y = -1066.8, z = 28.48, go = false},
[2] = {x = 434.68, y = -1062.48, z = 28.2},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = 204.52, y = -1260.6, z = 28.52, go = false},
[2] = {x = 202.88, y = -1250.2, z = 28.32},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = 165.56, y = -1276.88, z = 28.4, go = false},
[2] = {x = 164.48, y = -1290.92, z = 28.28},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = 155.52, y = -1290.88, z = 28.36, go = false},
[2] = {x = 146.16, y = -1288.84, z = 28.32},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = 143.28, y = -1265.84, z = 28.52, go = false},
[2] = {x = 143.48, y = -1256.92, z = 28.24},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = 134.16, y = -1206.72, z = 28.6, go = false},
[2] = {x = 137.76, y = -1200.12, z = 28.4},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = 92.6, y = -1279.52, z = 28.36, go = false},
[2] = {x = 86.16, y = -1287.92, z = 28.32},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[10] = {
[1] = {x = 24.16, y = -1307.4, z = 28.44, go = false},
[2] = {x = 19.56, y = -1313.96, z = 28.52},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[2] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {x = 1972.36, y = 3745.16, z = 31.52, go = false},
[2] = {x = 1965.28, y = 3751.12, z = 31.24},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[2] = {
[1] = {x = 1963.68, y = 3795.6, z = 31.56, go = false},
[2] = {x = 1968.2, y = 3803.4, z = 31.28},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[3] = {
[1] = {x = 1990.84, y = 3835.24, z = 31.52, go = false},
[2] = {x = 1983.6, y = 3833.84, z = 31.4},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[4] = {
[1] = {x = 1826.16, y = 3888.0, z = 32.96, go = false},
[2] = {x = 1830.32, y = 3894.36, z = 32.6},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[5] = {
[1] = {x = 1708.24, y = 3881.08, z = 34.16, go = false},
[2] = {x = 1716.0, y = 3875.96, z = 33.88},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[6] = {
[1] = {x = 1557.56, y = 3795.56, z = 33.4, go = false},
[2] = {x = 1561.2, y = 3806.52, z = 33.4},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[7] = {
[1] = {x = 890.72, y = 3549.72, z = 33.24, go = false},
[2] = {x = 897.76, y = 3550.8, z = 32.84},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[8] = {
[1] = {x = 757.8, y = 3541.44, z = 33.36, go = false},
[2] = {x = 747.88, y = 3545.08, z = 33.04},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[9] = {
[1] = {x = 424.2, y = 3566.88, z = 32.52, go = false},
[2] = {x = 434.92, y = 3563.64, z = 32.24},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
[10] = {
[1] = {x = 441.0, y = 3523.4, z = 32.88, go = false},
[2] = {x = 452.04, y = 3520.92, z = 32.64},
[3] = {time=6000, time2=7000}
The script is easily translatable. Here you can translate it.
Translations = {
['language'] = "EN", --You can choose which language the notifications will be in. (EN, ES, FR)
['EN'] = {
[1] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ TO WORK",
[2] = "You already have a job in progress!",
[3] = "Go to the areas marked on your gps, take the scrap and throw it into the truck trunk - don't forget to open the trunk first!",
[4] = "Go to the areas marked on your gps, take the garbage and throw it into the truck trunk - don't forget to open the trunk first!",
[5] = "Take the truck and start collecting the trash marked on the map.",
[6] = "You must wait for the worker to pick up the garbage bag.",
[7] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ TO WORK",
[8] = "Go to the next point.",
[9] = "Great! You've collected all the trash, now go unload the truck.",
[10] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ UNLOAD THE TRUCK",
[11] = "The workers are unloading your truck, please wait.",
[12] = "You're done, go return the truck.",
[13] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ TO FINISH JOB",
[14] = "You must wait for the worker to pick up the scrap.",
[15] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ TO WORK",
[16] = "Go to the next point.",
[17] = "Great! You've collected all the scrap, now go unload the truck.",
[18] = "The workers are unloading your truck, please wait.",
[19] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ UNLOAD THE TRUCK",
[20] = "You're done, go return the truck.",
[21] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ TAKE TRASH",
[22] = "All collected, head to the point marked on the GPS to unload the load.",
[23] = "Good! All burned. Return the truck to Central.",
[24] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ BURNING TRASH",
[25] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ OPEN",
[26] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ CLOSE",
[27] = "~h~~p~[G]~s~ PUT TRASH",
[28] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ TAKE SCRAP",
[29] = "All collected, head to the point marked on the GPS to unload the load.",
[30] = "Take the waste and scrap it on the scrap tables so that it can be processed.",
[31] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ TO PARK THE TRUCK",
[32] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ TAKE ",
[33] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ PUT ",
[34] = " INTO THE TABLE",
[35] = "~h~~p~[G]~s~ PUT SCRAP",
[36] = "Your worker is down. Wait for it to remount.",
[37] = "Good! All scrapped. Return the truck to Central.",
[38] = "Okay! All scrapped. Now go back to the marked areas and reload the junk.",
[39] = "All collected, head to the point marked on the GPS to unload the load.",
[40] = "You need to have a garbage job for this.",
[41] = "Go to the marked place and tell the worker to burn the garbage now.",
----- OBJ NAME
["prop_car_door_04"] = "CAR DOOR",
["prop_rub_monitor"] = "MONITOR",
["prop_car_seat"] = "CAR SEAT",
["prop_rub_tyre_03"] = "TYRE",
["gr_prop_gr_offchair_01a"] = "CHAIR",
['ES'] = {
[1] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ TRABAJO",
[2] = "¡Ya tienes un trabajo en marcha!",
[3] = "Ve a las zonas marcadas en tu gps, coge la chatarra y échala en el maletero del camión, ¡no olvides abrir primero el maletero!",
[4] = "Ve a las zonas marcadas en tu gps, coge la basura y tírala en el maletero del camión - ¡no te olvides de abrir el maletero primero!",
[5] = "Coge el camión y empieza a recoger la basura marcada en el mapa",
[6] = "Debes esperar a que el trabajador recoja la bolsa de basura",
[7] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ AL TRABAJO",
[8] = "Ve al siguiente punto",
[9] = "¡Genial! Has recogido toda la basura, ahora ve a descargar el camión",
[10] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ DESCARGAR EL CAMIÓN",
[11] = "Los trabajadores están descargando el camión, por favor espere",
[12] = "Han terminado, vayan a devolver el camión",
[13] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ para terminar el trabajo",
[14] = "Debes esperar a que el trabajador recoja la chatarra",
[15] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ A TRABAJAR",
[16] = "Ve al siguiente punto",
[17] = "¡Genial! Has recogido toda la chatarra, ahora ve a descargar el camión",
[18] = "Los trabajadores están descargando tu camión, por favor espera.",
[19] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ UNLOAD THE TRUCK",
[20] = "Ya ha terminado, vaya a devolver el camión",
[21] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ RECOGER LA BASURA",
[22] = "Todo recogido, dirigíos al punto marcado en el GPS para descargar la carga",
[23] = "¡Bien! Todo quemado. Devuelve el camión a la Central",
[24] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ QUEMANDO BASURA",
[25] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ ABIERTO",
[26] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ CERRAR",
[27] = "~h~~p~[G]~s~ PONER BASURA",
[28] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ TOMAR BASURA",
[29] = "Todo recogido, diríjanse al punto marcado en el GPS para descargar la carga",
[30] = "Tomar los residuos y desguazarlos en las mesas de chatarra para que puedan ser procesados",
[31] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ para aparcar el camión",
[32] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ TOMAR ",
[33] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ PONER ",
[34] = " EN LA TABLA",
[35] = "~h~~p~[G]~s~ PUT SCRAP",
[36] = "Su trabajador no funciona. Espera a que se vuelva a montar",
[37] = "¡Bien! Todo desguazado. Devuelve el camión a la Central",
[38] = "¡Bien! Todo desguazado. Ahora vuelve a las zonas marcadas y vuelve a cargar la chatarra",
[39] = "Todo recogido, diríjanse al punto marcado en el GPS para descargar la carga",
[40] = "Necesitas tener un trabajo de basura para esto",
[41] = "Ve al lugar marcado y dile al trabajador que queme la basura ahora.",
----- OBJ NAME
["prop_car_door_04"] = "PUERTA",
["prop_rub_monitor"] = "MONITOR",
["prop_car_seat"] = "ASIENTO",
["prop_rub_tyre_03"] = "NEÚMATICO",
["gr_prop_gr_offchair_01a"] = "SILLA",
['FR'] = {
[1] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ AU TRAVAIL",
[2] = "Vous avez déjà un travail en cours !",
[3] = "Allez aux endroits marqués sur votre gps, prenez la ferraille et jetez-la dans le coffre du camion - n'oubliez pas d'ouvrir le coffre avant !",
[4] = "Allez aux zones marquées sur votre gps, prenez les ordures et jetez-les dans le coffre du camion - n'oubliez pas d'ouvrir le coffre d'abord !",
[5] = "Prenez le camion et commencez à ramasser les ordures marquées sur la carte.",
[6] = "Tu dois attendre que l'ouvrier ramasse le sac poubelle.",
[7] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ AU TRAVAIL",
[8] = "Passez au point suivant.",
[9] = "Super ! Vous avez ramassé toutes les ordures, maintenant allez décharger le camion.",
[10] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ DÉCHARGER LE CAMION",
[11] = "Les ouvriers déchargent votre camion, veuillez attendre.",
[12] = "Vous avez terminé, allez rendre le camion.",
[13] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ TO FINISH JOB",
[14] = "Vous devez attendre que l'ouvrier vienne chercher la ferraille.",
[15] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ POUR TRAVAILLER",
[16] = "Passez au point suivant.",
[17] = "Super ! Vous avez collecté toute la ferraille, maintenant allez décharger le camion.",
[18] = "Les ouvriers déchargent votre camion, veuillez attendre.",
[19] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ UNLOAD THE TRUCK",
[20] = "Vous avez terminé, allez rendre le camion.",
[21] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ PRENDRE LES DÉCHETS",
[22] = "Tous rassemblés, allez au point marqué sur le GPS pour décharger le chargement.",
[23] = "Bien ! Tout est brûlé. Ramenez le camion au centre.",
[24] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ BURNING TRASH",
[25] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ OPEN",
[26] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ CLOSE",
[27] = "~h~~p~[G]~s~ PUT TRASH",
[28] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ PRENDRE LES DÉCHETS",
[29] = "Tous collectés, dirigez-vous vers le point marqué sur le GPS pour décharger le chargement.",
[30] = "Prenez les déchets et mettez-les à la ferraille sur les tables de récupération pour qu'ils puissent être traités.",
[31] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ pour garer le camion",
[32] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ PRENDRE ",
[33] = "~h~~p~[E]~s~ PUT ",
[34] = "DANS LA TABLE",
[35] = "~h~~p~[G]~s~ PUT SCRAP",
[36] = "Votre ouvrier est en panne. Attendez qu'il remonte.",
[37] = "Bien ! Tout a été mis au rebut. Ramenez le camion au centre.",
[38] = "Ok ! Tout a été mis au rebut. Maintenant retourne aux endroits marqués et recharge la ferraille.",
[39] = "Tout est collecté, allez au point marqué sur le GPS pour décharger le chargement.",
[40] = "Vous devez avoir un travail d'éboueur pour cela.",
[41] = "Allez à l'endroit marqué et dites au travailleur de brûler les ordures maintenant.",
----- OBJ NAME
["prop_car_door_04"] = "DOOR",
["prop_rub_monitor"] = "MONITEUR",
["prop_car_seat"] = "SEAT",
["prop_rub_tyre_03"] = "NEUMATIQUE",
["gr_prop_gr_offchair_01a"] = "CHAIR",
Last updated