Read very well and follow all the steps below. If you find any error or have any doubt open a ticket.


The first step is to download the product we have just purchased. To do this we will go to our KEYMASTER account and search for "Buty-InfiniteJobs".


To install it add the resource to your scripts folder and put the following in your SERVER.CFG:

ensure Buty-Clothes -- Essential to the functioning of the Uniform system.
ensure BCall_progress -- Or the Progress Bar of your choice.
ensure Buty_InfiniteJobsNEWUI

There are 2 dependencies, although one of them is not mandatory:

Buty-Clothes and BCall_progress (You can also configure yours in config_function.lua).

The Buty-Clothes Script is MANDATORY to install. It is the script that allows us to put uniforms, compatible with ALL clothing systems (illenium-appareance, qb-clothing etc.).

Either ours (BCall_progress) or one of your choice that you will have to set in the CONFIG_FUNCTION.LUA and you will have to ensure it before the script.

We also recommend our beautifully designed Advanced Progress Bar with lots of functions. This one has a very low price and fits very well with the aesthetics of any server:

You can add it to Infinite Jobs, adding the export in the config_function.lua. If you open ticket in discord, we will be happy to help.

You will also need to install the SQL in your database before starting the script, in order to save the experience of each player.


The following will explain all the settings, one of the most important things that I recommend you spend a few minutes to understand in order to offer your users the best possible experience.

This script comes with 25 jobs already preconfigured and activated, you only have to ensured the script (and dependencies) and they will be ready.

Even so, check the CONFIG of the jobs and configure the uniforms, salaries and vehicles to your licking.

Here you will only have to configure your framework, your database and the location of the Job Center.

In addition to some extra settings, such as the type of gender that your server uses.

In UseKeys, UseFuel, UseDeleteVehicle you activate it in case you have filled some of the integrations in config_functions.

Configuration = {

    framework = 'esx',  -- framework "esx" or "qbcore"

    trigger = 'es_extended', -- qb-core or es_extended

    Mysql = 'oxmysql',  -- oxmysql, mysql-async or ghmattisql

    UseKeys = false,
    UseFuel = false,
    UseDeleteVehicle = false,
    UseAppearance = false,
    UseWorkUniforms = true,

    NPC = {
        {x = -542.96, y = -207.84, z = 37.64, h = 219.12},
        --{x = -542.96, y = -207.84, z = 37.64, h = 219.12}, --> here you can add more

    NPCmodel = "cs_barry",

    Payment_type = "cash", --bank or cash

    vehicleData = { -- In case you add a very large vehicle, you can change the coordinates to where the point to pick up the tool will appear.
        [`rebel`] = {0, -2.0, -0.3},
        [`mule`] = {0, -2.0, 0},
        [`model3`] = {0, -2.0, 0},

    Color_UI = "#9B37FF", -- Enter here the colour code in which you want the interface to appear. You will also have to change the BACKGROUND as I will explain later.


Target = {
    UseTarget = false, 

    Coords = vector3(-542.96, -207.84, 37.64),

    TargetExport = 'bt-target',

    ["Home"] = {
        Text = 'WORK CENTRE', 
        Icon = 'fa fa-briefcase'        

    ["Workclothes"] = {
        [1] = {
            Text = 'START WORK', 
            Icon = 'fa fa-user-circle-o' 
        [2] = {
            Text = 'REMOVE JOB', 
            Icon = 'fa fa-sign-out' 

    ["Vehicle"] = {
        [1] = {
            Text = 'TAKE VEHICLE', 
            Icon = 'fa fa-car' 
        [2] = {
            Text = 'SAVE VEHICLE', 
            Icon = 'fa fa-car' 

    ["Tool"] = {
        [1] = {
            Text = 'TAKE TOOL', 
            Icon = 'fa fa-wrench' 
        [2] = {
            Text = 'SAVE TOOL', 
            Icon = 'fa fa-wrench' 

    ["Job"] = {
        Text = 'WORK', 
        Icon = 'fa fa-hand-rock-o' 

    ["Payout"] = {
        Text = 'COLLECT PAYMENT', 
        Icon = 'fa fa-money' 



As already explained, the colour of the Interface is changed from the CONFIG.lua

But you can also change the BACKGROUND IMAGE, either by putting one of your choice or by changing the colour from one of the backgrounds we have added in the BACKGROUND folder inside the HTML folder.

For that you will have to go to line 17 of the INDEX.HTML and change the name of the image:

 <img class="background-img" src="./background/" alt="">

These are the colours in which the BACKGROUND is available. You can always add more.

Last updated